Find Us
32 Molesworth St. Lismore, NSW 2480
Opening Hours
Mon to Fri 9-7, Sat 9-3

Laura is a remedial massage and movement therapist with 20 years of experience. Having studied the body from multiple perspectives, first as a remedial therapist, then as a Pilates Instructor, a JEMS practitioner, a massage educator and now as a student of Osteopathy.

Laura is knowledgeable and thorough in her approach to the body. Clients describe her remedial massage style as a welcome combination of targeted, effective and nurturing. Those who have pursued movement rehabilitation with Laura appreciate her embodied approach that emphasises learning to trust their bodies again.

QUALIFICATIONS: Advanced Diploma Health Science (Soft Tissue Therapy), Diploma Remedial Massage, Diploma of Polestar Pilates Studio & Rehabilitation Method, JEMS Certified Clinical Rehabilitation Practitioner

Remedial Massage - Targeted pain relief and support for active bodies and those recovering from injury. Aimed at relieving tension, removing restriction to movement and promoting soft tissue health and mobility, your treatment may involve myofascial release, trigger point therapy, joint mobilisation, breakwork and assisted stretching.

JEMS Movement Assessment and Training - For persistent aches, pains and injuries that require a more holistic approach.  A thorough movement assessment can reveal the often unconscious movement habits that may be keeping an injured area under load. Highly specific, individualised movement repatterning that puts you at the centre. Typically, a series of 3-5 (1-hour) private sessions is recommended.

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